Wildlife Update: June 30, 2023

Summer Visitor Center Hours

Weekdays from 8:00 am-4:30 pm

Weekends 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Summer has officially arrived in the Grantsburg Area! Although, it felt like summer much earlier than this with the hot and dry conditions that we’ve been experiencing starting in May. The area could benefit from some rain soon!

Because migration has now come to a close and nesting/brood-rearing season has arrived, wildlife sightings have decreased to their normal summer levels. This time of the year is wonderful for viewing baby animals of all kinds, butterflies, and other interesting insects, and also for finding a vast array of beautiful wildflowers in bloom.

Check out Phantom Lake to see a number of different waterfowl broods, including Trumpeter swans, Canada geese, Mallards, Blue-winged teal, Wood ducks, and more. There are also swan families on several other flowages, including Refuge Extension, Reisinger Lake, Upper North Fork, and more.

There have also been many sightings of Sandhill crane colts in Crex Meadows. These are incredibly difficult to view at this point in the season, but if you see a pair of Sandhills moving slowly through the thick sedge marshes, be sure to take a closer look- there may be young with them!

Bird highlights over the past week include Black-billed Cuckoo, Bobolink, Canvasback, Dickcissel, Grasshopper, Indigo Bunting, Least Bittern, Mourning Warbler, Northern Shoveler, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red-necked Grebe, Ruddy Duck, Scarlet Tanager, and Upland Sandpiper.

A few great places to find pollinators and wildflowers are the area around the intersection of Main Dike Road and James Road, all the way along James Road on the west side of the road, and Abel Road.

Mammals seen in the area within the last week:

13-Lined Ground SquirrelGrey WolfRed Squirrel
BeaverMuskratRiver Otter
Black Bear & CubsRaccoonStriped Skunk
Grey SquirrelRed FoxWhite-tailed Deer

Bird sightings within the last week on Crex Meadows, Fish Lake, Amsterdam Sloughs, and surrounding area:

American BitternEastern KingbirdPine Warbler
American CootEastern MeadowlarkPurple Finch
American CrowEastern PhoebePurple Martin
American GoldfinchEastern TowheeRed-bellied Woodpecker
American KestrelEastern Whip-poor-willRed-eyed Vireo
American RedstartEastern Wood-peweeRed-headed Woodpecker
American RobinEuropean StarlingRed-necked Grebe
American White PelicanField SparrowRed-tailed Hawk
American WoodcockGadwallRed-winged Blackbird
Bald EagleGolden-winged WarblerRing-necked Duck
Baltimore OrioleGrasshopper SparrowRing-necked Pheasant
Barn SwallowGray CatbirdRock Pigeon
Barred OwlGreat Blue HeronRose-breasted Grosbeak
Belted KingfisherGreat Crested FlycatcherRuby-throated Hummingbird
Black TernGreat Horned OwlRuddy Duck
Black-and-white WarblerGreen HeronRuffed Grouse
Black-billed CuckooGreen-winged TealSandhill Crane
Black-capped ChickadeeHairy WoodpeckerScarlet Tanager
Blue JayHooded MerganserSedge Wren
Blue-winged TealHouse FinchSharp-tailed Grouse
BobolinkHouse SparrowSong Sparrow
Brown ThrasherHouse WrenSora
Brown-headed CowbirdIndigo BuntingSpotted Sandpiper
Canada GooseKilldeerSwamp Sparrow
CanvasbackLark SparrowTree Swallow
Cedar WaxwingLeast BitternTrumpeter Swan
Chestnut-sided WarblerLeast FlycatcherTurkey Vulture
Chipping SparrowMallardUpland Sandpiper
Clay-colored SparrowMarsh WrenVeery
Cliff SwallowMourning DoveVesper Sparrow
Common GrackleMourning WarblerVirginia Rail
Common LoonNorthern CardinalWarbling Vireo
Common RavenNorthern FlickerWhite-breasted Nuthatch
Common YellowthroatNorthern HarrierWild Turkey
Cooper’s HawkNorthern ShovelerWilson’s Snipe
DickcisselOspreyWood Duck
Double-crested CormorantOvenbirdYellow Warbler
Downy WoodpeckerPied-billed GrebeYellow-bellied Sapsucker
Eastern BluebirdPileated WoodpeckerYellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow-throated Vireo

Did you see something that is not on our list (on the back of this page)? Feel free to give us a call to report it!