Friends of Crex Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting

The Friends of Crex Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss Friends of Crex related business. Meeting minutes are available in the Crex Meadows Wildlife Education & Visitor Center. Quarterly…

Hunter Safety Internet Field Day

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Join us for a hunter education internet field day on Saturday, March 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You must take the online portion of the class prior to…

Canceled Crex Camp for Kids

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Kids ages 8-11 are invited to attend this 3-day camp focused on hands-on learning opportunities related to science, outdoor skills, and team building. Kids can be dropped off at 9:00…

RSVP Now Free 16 spots left

Bluebird Nest Box Seminar & Building Workshop

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Join us for seminar about bluebird nest boxes. Learn all about bluebirds and their nesting behaviors so you can encourage bluebirds to nest in your boxes. Then, build your own…

Get Tickets $20.00 18 tickets left

Sharp-tailed Grouse Lek & Management Tour

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Meet at the visitor center. Then, carpool through Crex Meadows to watch sharp-tailed grouse dance on their leks and learn about management. Some hiking on uneven ground may be required.…

RSVP Now Free 6 spots left

Earth Day Clean-Up Celebration

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Celebrate Earth Day by helping us clean up the Glacial Lake Grantsburg Properties, then join us for lunch at noon! Participants will be assigned a stretch of road or trail…

Songbird Banding with Bruce Bacon

Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United States

Join retired wildlife biologist, Bruce Bacon, to help band songbirds moving through our area!