Wild Edibles Talk & Walk
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesLearn about common wild edible plants and tips on how to properly identify them! RSVP required.
FOC Puzzle Competition
Crex Meadows Meeting & Gathering Hall 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, United StatesHow fast can you put a puzzle together? Compete as a team of 4 in this competition to see which group can assemble their puzzle the fastest. You must RSVP for this event to participate. Only 1 RSVP per team please. Any available space the day of the event is first-come-first-served. Cost is $30 per…
Wildflower Hikes
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesJoin us for a hike to view and identify wildflowers!
Evening Bird Tour
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesJoin us Saturday night for a guided bird tour. We will meet in the visitor center parking lot and leave promptly at 4:00p.m. to caravan to various locations on the property. Be prepared to stop to view birds and discuss sightings.
Photo Contest Open for Submissions
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesMore details coming soon!
Karner Blue Butterfly Field Experience
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesDo you want to know what it's like to work as a wildlife management staff member? Find out with this summer field experience. Learn about the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly, then head out into the field to conduct a survey. RSVP required via our website. Space limited to 15 participants. Ages 14+. Youth ages 14-15…
Photo Contest Voting Period
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesMore details coming soon!
Crex Pollinator Hike
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesLearn about pollinators and their habitat at Crex Meadows. Participants will meet at the visitor center and caravan to the hiking location. RSVPs are required.
Crex Camp for Kids
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesThis outdoor camp offers a unique opportunity for kids ages 8-11 to learn about science, outdoor skills, and working as a team. The camp runs from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. all three days. Class size is limited to 20 students and RSVPs are required. Topics Monday, July 24 - Junior Biologist Tuesday, July 25…
Little Wildlifers
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesJoin Crex wildlife educators for stories, songs, crafts, and activities chosen especially for children ages 3-7. Please dress for the weather! Fall Schedule: September 12 - Scavenger Hunt September 19 - Oh Deer! September 26 - Fall Leaves October 3 - Sandhill Cranes For more information contact Lauren Thomas, Natural Resources Educator, at…
Photo Contest Winners Announced
Crex Meadows Visitor Center 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, WI, United StatesMore details coming soon!
FOC Member Exclusive – Morning Coffee Social
Crex Meadows Meeting & Gathering Hall 102 E Crex Ave, Grantsburg, United StatesGather with other Friends of Crex members on the first Friday of each month from 7:30am to 9:00am. Enjoy a cup of coffee on us and share your stories about Crex both old and new. This is a great time to meet other members and learn about upcoming activities. See you there!